External software development team rather than developing in-house raises a lot of concerns and has its vocal opponents, but the benefits it brings are undeniable and easily offset any potential risks.
Lack of confidence to entrust work to external teams typically stems from misconceptions about how such collaboration could be organised. The type of outsourcing makes a huge difference and is valid (but often overlooked) consideration. Offshore would entail time-zone differences, big enough to cripple daytime communication. Nearshore outsourcing, on the other hand, is much like working with own developers – provided that there are relevant software tools in place for managing remote teams. Outsourcing development services offer some benefits, so let’s go through them to dispel any doubts:
European countries like Poland are recognised as providers of high-quality IT services, and the attractive price tag associated with team location is just one of the advantages.
Some of the leading Polish software houses already have a long-running history providing services to big, international brands, and are known for quality work and careful testing.
Outsourcing to an external company comfortably puts you in the client’s seat. You are the party that will be pampered and spoiled by the ambitious provider. You will also be reported to, and demand that deadlines and specifications are met.
Outsourcing enables more agility. It gives the comfort of dynamically adjusting team size to match the needs of the project. Such flexibility is hardly ever possible with in-house teams.
The world’s growing reliance on technology is making developers more important than ever. Along with the pressing demand for the coveted specialists, outsourcing services may no longer be just a way to save money. Instead, it may soon be the only way to source talented professionals. It makes all the sense in the world to get on top of the outsourcing game before talent shortage hits the industry for good in a couple of years.
If your business is based in Europe, the chances are that Poland is not that far after all. Polish developers have very similar company culture and easily communicate in English, which enables free communication and eliminates the possibility of cross-cultural misunderstandings. In case a visit on-site is needed every once in a while, travel costs, especially in Central and East Europe, are relatively low.
Outsourcing to nearshore European companies like Poland is still much cheaper than in-house development, which is one of the main reasons to do it. It cuts the costs associated with team management, recruiting, accounting, marketing and overheads.
With a lower cost of living, Polish rates range from as low as $20 to over $100 per hour. Helping the client prepare a detailed project specification can help them decide between time and material and fixed cost pricing model.
Extending your teams with body leasing is a way to future-proof development processes without compromising the quality of your services. Polish development teams come with a very attractive price tag, but still offer language skills, expertise, good education, and understanding of the western work ethic on par with other countries in Europe.
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